Your brand archetype

Take my FREE quiz to uncover your brand archetype in just minutes! Use the results to connect, captivate, and convert with strategic design.

3 questions every business owner should know the answer to

I’m here to get under your skin to work out why you started your business. Brand strategy is so important to get clarity on the messages you want to communicate.

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Want a sneak peek into my branding process?

Today I wanted to share 3 of the questions that appear on my brand session questionnaire. These questions help me dive deeper into the soul of your business.

It may not surprise you that it’s not just one thing makes a brand great. A great brand is a combination of a lot of things and surprisingly over 90% of people will get this process wrong. The ones who will most likely fail, will have no thought on their brand strategy and will in turn barely leave the running blocks.

A brand strategy combines your objectives, your audience and your USP all together to give you complete clarity on why, who and what you do. This brand strategy process is what makes a really strong brand.

A well defined strategic brand will make growing your business much easier and keep it going.

So lets jump right in to the questions:

Why do you do what you do?

This should be the first question any business owner should ask themselves. To be super clear in their mind, why? I’ve mentioned the ‘Why Statement’ a few times in the past here and it is so valuable as part of the branding process.

My why statement looks like this:

TO inspire female entrepreneurs to embrace their individuality SO THAT they have the confidence to stand out and create the business of their dreams.

The process I used to get to this, took me a little while and it was quite emotionally draining. I sat and reflected over key moments that had happened in my life and deciphered a golden thread through them. Working this out helped me gain clarity on what I’m doing and who I’m serving and this has rung true for all of the past ventures I have embarked on and I’m 100% certain that it will for all future ventures too.

Fill yours out here TO __________________________ SO THAT _______________________.

Secondly you should be able to tell me

What are your customer pain points?

Understanding what pains your customer, means you are able to focus on how to alleviate that pain, and once you understand that, the message of your business becomes clear and it can be applied throughout the brand personality.

And finally for today another question that I find super important is

Who do you want to attract?

Many struggle on this one, they think they need to be attracting everyone but let me tell you – you are way too good for that! The more specific you are about who you want to work with, the more straightforward it will be to tailor your messages, services and products to meet their needs; which means you’ll be able to connect and attract with them a whole lot easier.

Niche down and find your true target audience. The age range should be 10–15 years maximum. Creating a persona for your brand is really helpful, it allows you to refer back and consider if your persona would approve of the action you’re thinking of taking.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this short insight into the Oohlala Studio process, I’d love to hear what you come up with for your why statement and if the other questions have made you think deeper about the meaning behind your business.

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