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3 mistakes to avoid when practicing your affirmations

Affirmations are an incredibly powerful tool that you can use to help you achieve your life’s desires. Thousands of people use positive affirmations to obtain success and realise their dreams. However, there are just as many who practice affirmations but never see results. This might be because they are not using them correctly. Here are three mistakes you want to avoid in your daily affirmation practice if you want them to work for you.

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Affirmations are an incredibly powerful tool that you can use to help you achieve your life’s desires. Thousands of people use positive affirmations to obtain success and realise their dreams. However, there are just as many who practice affirmations but never see results. This might be because they are not using them correctly. Here are three mistakes you want to avoid in your daily affirmation practice if you want them to work for you.

Giving up too early

With affirmations, consistency is incredibly important. Once you get started with your practice, the repetition has a lasting effect that will continue to build upon itself while you rebuild those neural pathways. Repeating your affirmations daily make it much easier to maintain. Plus, every time you say the statement you significantly magnify the results. The mistake that many people make is that they give up the process entirely too early. When you give up too soon, you don’t give the affirmations enough time to set into your subconscious and this can take anywhere from 22 – 60 days depending on age.

Using a different affirmation each day

Using a different affirmation every day is like trying to work on a dozen various projects at once. Since each project requires your energy and attention, you can’t help but shift your focus and effort from project to project. However, if you want to see results right away, then you have to focus on just one affirmation and stick with it. When it comes to affirmations, it is all about focus. To make your affirmations effective, you have to use the same affirmation daily for at least 30 days.

Lack of Attention

If you’ve been using positive affirmations for a while and have yet to achieve results, and you’ve tried everything else, it could mean that you aren’t entirely focusing your attention on the affirmation. The reality is that most people have incredibly short attention spans, and they are distracted continuously like toddlers. To make your statements work for you, you have to master your attention span, which only comes with practice. By practicing your positive affirmations daily, you can learn how to master your attention. When you can learn how to master your attention, you will start to master your manifestations. Practicing affirmations while in a medatative state means they get into your subconcious quicker too.

If you haven’t had success with your daily affirmations yet, don’t worry, you just have to make a few simple changes to your daily practice. Avoid the mistakes listed above, and you’ll find success with using affirmations to achieve everything you desire.

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